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The Organistion

Breakfast now & tomorrow is an non‐profit Organistion that provids free and healthy breakfast programs for all schools in Uganda starting 
with the capital city of Uganda, kampala.





Our Breakfast programs are aimed to help boost the level of concentration, alertness, comprehension, memory, and learning among students from the ages of 7-10 year olds. 

Studies done by the (National childrens nutrition survey) have shown that by providning kids with a proper meal early in the morning incruis the amonut of energy to resive more infomation during they first lessons,
So with our programs we aim on begin able to see 
our Ugandan school system produce more productive students and later citizens moving into the future. 

You cannot tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday.

© 2016 by uganda breakfast now & tomorrow. Proudly created with

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